Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'll be Home for Christmas

This year I am super excited that I will be spending Christmas at Home. As the trip draws near I think about all of the memories I have growing up in that house during the holidays. The anxious Christmas Eves after church service and actually looking forward to bedtime so Christmas morning would get there fast.
The yearly Christmas parties we had when we were young and going caroling through the neighborhood were always activities to be on the look out for.There are just so many memories from when I was growing up. Our home around the holidays was magical, it was enchanting, and it was full of love.

We delighted in family and treasured the moments spent with friends at Christmas parties. We gathered with both my mom and dad's sides of the family and shared in the fellowship of giving and family tradition. Sure we were a little disappointed when we didn't get what we hoped for, but we quickly overcame that.These are the kinds of memories that are running through my mind this holiday season.

This year I will be home for Christmas. A lot of things have changed. I am sure their memories and stories will be shared as we reflect on Christmas times past. Some things will remain the same though. Christmas day we will watch as the wrapping paper flies and the kids faces light up. We will visit family and enjoy the fellowship of love. Sure there are a few additions, but family is what it is all about. 6 days and counting. I ca'nt wait!


  1. wow love the dress and booties combo. you look so cozy.

    christmas is my favorite time of the year too. i love family get togethers especially we have such a huge family.

    so good for you for getting to spend your christmas at home.:)

  2. Thanks Dred. We're quite many too hehe. It's nice to have larger families especially get together or reunions such a one big happy family.

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog! This post made me smile. I'll be going back "home" for the holidays, too. While I may not be as excited as you are, I'm still quite happy about the trip. :)


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